Vapor Liquid Equilibria

Estimating Binary Interaction Parameter for Peng Robinson EOS

This article shows how to estimate binary interaction parameter (BIP) used in Peng Robinson (PR) Equation of State (EOS) from experimental data by regression in excel spreadsheet.


Determine binary interaction parameter used in Peng Robinson EOS for a mixture of acetone and chloroform from Tx-y experimental data available at 101.33 kPa.

VLE data acetone chloroform mixture

Obtain pure component properties like critical temperature (Tc), critical pressure (Pc) and accentric factor ω from literature. Experimental K1 is determined from x, y data.

K1Experimental = y1 / x1

Peng Robinson EOS parameters are calculated.

κi = 0.37464 + 1.54226ω - 0.26992ω²
αi = [ 1 + κi (1 - (T/Tc)0.5)]²
ai = 0.45724 (RTc)²α / Pc
bi = 0.07780 RTc / Pc

Mixture parameters are calculated next

a12= [(a1.a2)0.5(1 - k12)] = a21
a = a1.x1² + 2.a12.x1.x2 + a2.x2²
b = b1.x1 + b2.x2
A = aP/(RT)²
B = bP/RT

where k12 is Binary Interaction Parameter (BIP) to be estimated. For first run, use a guess value to start calculation.

Following cubic equation is solved to get ZL.

Z³ + (B-1)Z² + (A-3B² -2B)Z + (B³+B²-AB) = 0

Above equation can be written as

Z³ + C2.Z² + C1.Z + C0 = 0

Solving Cubic Equation

Cubic equation is solved using following procedure. Calculate Q1, P1 & D.

Q1 = C2.C1/6 - C0/2 - C2³/27
P1 = C2²/9 - C1/3
D = Q1² - P1³

If D >= 0, then equation has only one real root provided by

Z1 = (Q1 + D0.5)1/3 + (Q1 - D0.5)1/3 - C2/3

If D < 0, then equation has 3 real roots, following parameters are calculated

t1 = Q1² / P1³
t2 = (1 - t1)0.5 / t10.5. Q1/abs(Q1)
θ = atan(t2)

Roots are calculated as following -

Z0 = 2.P10.5.cos(θ/3) - C2/3
Z1 = 2.P10.5.cos((θ + 2*Π)/3) - C2/3
Z2 = 2.P10.5.cos((θ + 4*Π)/3) - C2/3

Roots thus calculated are arranged in descending order, highest root gives ZV and lowest root gives ZL.


Based on ZL, liquid fugacity φiL is calculated for each data set.

Liquid fugacity phi using Peng Robinson EOS

In next step, Vapor phase fugacity is calculated. Mixture properties are estimated as following

a = a1.y1² + 2.a12.y1.y2 + a2.y2²
b = b1.y1 + b2.y2
A = aP/(RT)²
B = bP/RT

Cubic equation is solved as per method shown above to get ZV.

Z³ + (B-1)Z² + (A-3B² -2B)Z + (B³+B²-AB) = 0

Based on ZV, vapor fugacity φiV is calculated for each data set.

Vapor Fugacity using Peng Robinson

K1 is calculated as:

K1Calculated = φ1L1V

Difference of K1Experimental and K1Calculated is obtained for all data points. An objective function is defined as summation of all these differences. Click on Solver in Data Ribbon (Excel 2010) to open dialog box for Solver parameters and input data as shown below.

Solver for BIP Regression

Minimize the objective function by changing values of kij. Uncheck Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative, as k12 can take negative value. Click solve to start regression and new value k12 is calculated.

 k12 = -0.0605

Above value is then used to calculate y1 values and results are plotted to check the deviation.

Plot for Acetone Chloroform XY Data


Determine temperature dependent binary interaction parameter used in Peng Robinson EOS ( k12 = k1 + k2.T + k3/T ) for a mixture of acetone and n-Hexane from P x-y experimental data available at 318.15 °K.

VLE data for Acetone n-Hexane

Follow above steps to calculate pure component and mixture parameters. Change formula for kij to make it temperature dependent. As an initial guess put values for 3 parameters (k1,k2,k3) which gives a numeric difference value. In solver select these 3 variables to be varied for minimizing the difference value and then solve it. After doing regression binary interaction parameters are obtained and result is plotted as following.

k1 = -0.0218
k2 = 3.142x10-4
k3 = 10.155
Plot for Acetone n-Hexane XY data

Note : In case of non-convergence, try different initial guess values for kij and then let solver obtain optimized values.
